
Vision and Mission


Adequate quantity and quality of water available for domestic, commercial and industrial users in Asian urban areas.


Based on the insights gained from ground level work with the water utilities and users, make a positive contribution to evidence-based urban water public policy in Asia.

Our Services

Business Management and Public Policy Consultants

Business Plan Preparation

of Urban Water Utilities using Four-Domain Framework of Analysis

Facilitation of “Twinning Program”

between two urban water utilities

Knowledge Management Programs

of multi-lateral donor agencies engaged in urban water sector

Conducting seminars, workshops, executive development programs

related to urban water sector

Urban water public policy inputs

Mentoring programs for professionals

in urban water sector

Meet Our Team

Team Member
Prof Asit K Biswas

Prof Asit K Biswas

Prof Asit K. Biswas is universally acknowledged as one of the world’s leading authorities on water, environment and development-related issues. He has had a very distinguished career as an academic; a senior public official in Canada; advisor and/or confidant to Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers in 19 countries, six Heads of United Nations Agencies, two Secretary-Generals of OECD, several Heads of bilateral aid agencies, and four CEOs or Chairmen of major MNCs. He was a member of the World Commission on Water and co-founder of International Water Resources... Association and World Water Council. He was a member of the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum and is currently member of the International Advisory Board, Pictet Asset Management, Geneva; member of the Advisory Board, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; and Strategic Advisor, Singapore International Water Week. Among his numerous awards are Stockholm Water Prize; Crystal Drop and Millennium Prizes of the International Water Resources Association; Walter Huber Prize of the American Society of Civil Engineering; “Person of the Year” award of Canada; and Aragon Environment Prize of Spain. He has received seven Honorary Doctorates from leading global universities. He is the author of 88 books and over 500 papers, which have been translated into 41 languages. He is the founder of the International Journal of Water Resources Development and was its Editor-in-Chief for the first 29 years. He is a member of Russian Engineering Academy and European Academy of Sciences.

Team Member
Pawan K Sachdeva

Pawan K Sachdeva

Pawan after spending twenty years in public markets transitioned from public market investments to urban water sector. Since his transition to urban water sector, Pawan has researched or consulted urban water sector in India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore and Mongolia. He has developed a framework of analysis called Four-Domain Framework of Analysis of Urban Water Utilities, through which he does descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive business analysis of Urban Water Utilities. Pawan is also Adjunct Professor to Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India).... Pawan is B. Tech from Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur, India), MBA from Indian Institute of Management (Bangalore, India) and MPA from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (NUS, Singapore).

Team Member

Advisory Board

His Excellency
Mr. Ek Sonn Chan

Minister Delegate to Prime Minister Royal Government of Cambodia

His Excellency
Mr. Ek Sonn Chan

Minister Delegate to Prime Minister Royal Government of Cambodia.H.E Mr. Ek Sonn Chan joined Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) as a Director in 1993 and he was General Director of PPWSA till 2012. He successfully turnaround PPWSA from a loss-making water utility with NRW of more than 70% to a profitable water utility with NRW of less than 10%. H.E Mr Ek Sonn Chan was awarded prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2006 for Government service. In 2010 he was awarde the Stockholm Industry Water Award. After retirement from PPWSA in July 2012, ... H.E Mr Ek Sonn Chan worked as Under Secretary of State and then as Secretary of State (from 2013) in Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy, Royal Government of Cambodia. In 2019, he was promoted to Minister Delegate to Prime Minister, Royal Government of Cambodia. H.E Mr. Ek Sonn Chan brings exemplary leadership skills and his deep experience in water experience to the advisory board of Water Management International Pte Ltd.

Team Member

Advisory Board

Yvonne Siow

Head, Essilor Vision Foundation

Yvonne Siow

Head, Essilor Vision Foundation. Yvonne has 22 years of diverse experience from private to public, from profit to non-profit. Yvonne has honed a sharp and enterprising business acumen with an eye for creating social good. She is committed is to help organizations do well by doing good. Yvonne has diverse skills from marketing to corporate philanthropy and she has project experience across Asian countries.

Consultants in Urban Water Sector
Share your CV here

Urban water sector needs solutions which are Wholistic in nature. Water Management International Pte Ltd has developed a Four-Domain Analysis Framework, comprising Physical, Operational, Financial and Institutional Domains. Physical Domain deals with the quantity and quality of raw water, the water balance; Operational Domain deals with all the operating parameters of the urban water business such as mix of different type of customers, physical infrastructure (such as WTP, pipe infrastructure, pumps, etc, NRW), organization structure, customer complaints etc; Financial Domain deals with financial analysis of the business; Institutional Domain deals with various institutions responsible for different aspects of safe water delivery (such as raw water abstraction rights, water quality standards, economic regulation, environment protection etc). If as a consultant you are looking to team up with consultants from other domains in urban water sector from different your country or other countries,

please share your CV with Prof Asit K Biswas


Water Management International Pte Limited invites candidates for 8 week internship projects 2024 under the guidance of Prof Asit K Biswas , between 15 June 2024 to 15 August 2024. The topic of the internship project is water sustainability at condominiums (housing societies) in Bengaluru, India. Through this internship, the interns would do a descriptive analysis of water consumption by the condominiums - within the households as well as for common facilities such as swimming pools, landscaping etc, bin centres, water features etc. A framework of the aforementioned descriptive analysis would be shared with interns in the first week of the internship. The interns would be tasked to gather data required by the framework. The interns would be required to do data collection from their respective condominium management councils, residents and do primary interviews with the residents as well as members of management councils. The descriptive analysis needs to be completed by the end of the fourth week of the internship. Based on the descriptive analysis, the interns would do a diagnostic analysis of how water sustainability at their condominiums can be improved. The output of the internship would be recommending 2-3 action items that can be adopted by the condominium management and residents to improve the water sustainability of their condominium. The internship would be a remote unpaid internship with weekly calls with Prof Asit K Biswas and his team. An output report of the internship would need to be submitted at the end of 7th week of internship, with a final presentation on the work in the 8th week of internship. A certificate for internship would be provided on successful completion of the internship.
The interested high school students with deep interest in the environment, especially water, can apply for an internship by submitting a CV and their reason to apply for the internship to Maximum of 5 interns would be offered the internship under this internship program.

Contact us

Water Management International Pte Ltd

3 Tanjong Rhu Road , The Waterside # 08-02

Singapore- 436881

(000) 1234 567